our 5D Business Concept

A new perspective on finance

  • Natural harmony
  • Freedom and responsibility
  • Intuïtive prices

Entrepreneurship from the heart

Rien: When accountancy and finance are part of your ‘past lives,’ they will find their way into this life as well. I became aware of this when we were trying to determine the best price for our course program. The answer was right under our noses: energy reading as a way to determine prices.

This set off a whole cycle of new insights. New forms emerged, which we have been applying within Uniovision for many years. The result is an entirely new business model. We call it 5D because it is based on finance from five dimensions. In short: unconditional love is the central key.

It may sound a bit abstract, but when you start working with it in a physical organization, with products and services, it suddenly becomes very concrete. We are actively working on it, happy to share more, and it is the foundation of our financial process.

Doing business with prices from the heart

Everyone feels deep down that they are unique. We look different, have different preferences, and do things in our own way. A thousand years ago, this was no different, but now it stands out more than ever.

Due to the long period when we depended on groups for survival, individuality had little space. This has led to a business world still based on pyramid-like hierarchies.

Many people have freed themselves from this structure privately, but through their work, they are often still trapped in old systems. With algorithms and automation, it seems the current tech-driven market wants to continue down familiar paths.

The reality has changed, and we want to take you into this new phase. Here, people are leaving their cocoons and connecting with each other in a direct way. This makes sense because, in this new phase of consciousness development, the heart has become involved.

The evolution of our consciousness has been the key that triggered this ‘revolution.’ We are here for those ready for the next step in their development. That’s why we see our customers as unique pioneers, shaping the future of this new era. And this … translates into a new perspective on pricing.

In our interactions with participants in our courses, we first experienced the importance of setting the right price. When offering courses and training in consciousness, people inevitably encounter their own resistance. A fair price provides the necessary support for them to overcome this resistance.

But how do you determine the right price? We extensively researched this and concluded that the best approach was to apply the methods we teach in our own program. We’ve been using this approach for many years and have further perfected it along the way.

One of the major challenges was how to avoid going under as entrepreneurs. It required surrender, courage, and trust. This turned out to be the key to success and became an essential part of our business model.

But it didn’t stop there. We started selling products, offering readings, and much more. Step by step, we’ve continued to develop our model, which is also reflected in the prices we set for everything we do.

In some cases, you will encounter it very directly, for example, when you participate in Infinite Magic. There, we determine the price for each participant individually.

We then ask for your permission to read your energy. With this, we read your energy remotely and provide you with the price we receive, which is returned to you in the form of an offer. It is, therefore, an entirely intuitively determined amount.

For our other activities, we also determine the prices using this method, but not on a personal level. Here, the approach is slightly different, but the intuitive foundation remains the same.

People do not need to fill out questionnaires, and we don’t conduct research or anything of the sort. The only thing we rely on are the ‘refined’ abilities of our human system. It may sound a bit abstract, but we are happy to explain it to you, and you can also develop this yourself.

You then decide whether you want to agree to the offer. The result is a price that is fully aligned with you, the best we can offer. Because this method may feel unfamiliar to many, you will only encounter it in the final part of our program.

Anyone offering services in both the private and business markets encounters an interesting phenomenon. For similar services, business clients often pay much more than private individuals. Of course, this has to do with interests, but at its core, it leads to a disruption of balance. The energy someone must invest in their development thus varies depending on the route they choose.

We have solved this issue by differentiating our programs. While the programs cover largely the same material, there are some differences.

The guiding principle of our business model is harmony in the relationship between energy and matter, giving and receiving. The application of this has shown that our prices in the business market are still lower compared to similar programs and prevailing market prices.

For us, this is not a problem; it is simply a consequence of the model we have chosen. But don’t be misled as a (potential) client. In our case, cheaper does not mean lower quality; it often means higher quality.

The development of your consciousness is a delicate process. Since resistance and desire sometimes go hand in hand, powerful forces can be unleashed.

The further you go on this path, the more important the sense of safety becomes, both for the participants and the facilitators.

That’s why we have formulated a few important ground rules. You can read them through this link.

But it goes even further than that.

for enthusiasts

The Merkaba field and accounting principles

For most people, terms like assets, equity, and debt are familiar to varying degrees. For many centuries, economists have pondered over these concepts, leading to various norms and values regarding the ideal balance between them.

However, few realize that the relationship between matter and energy, which this is essentially about, has long been defined by Mother Earth. This natural balance, in which the pi ratio and the Merkaba play an important role, is often invisible to the naked eye.

In addition to the well-known four-dimensional relationships, we also apply these principles in the way we conduct our business.

Our 5D business concept makes use of this principle.

for enthusiasts

When profit transforms from variable into fixed

For a long time, our economy has been built on profit obtained by subtracting costs from revenue. Profit is then a result of various other factors.

Those who work from conscious creation know that intentions naturally manifest, which logically leads to revenues and costs aligning with this process.

By including the compensation for entrepreneurship as an intention within the whole of revenues and costs, it is no longer necessary to generate profit for this purpose, making profit essentially no longer a necessary variable.

This fundamental insight has the potential to transform the all-consuming nature of our current economic mindset from “never enough” to “enough is enough.”

Our 5D business concept makes use of this principle.

for enthusiasts

From 4D end-of-year thinking to floating timelines

Traditionally, financial systems are built on fixed fiscal years, often running from January 1st to December 31st. This way of thinking does not follow the natural progression of the seasons. Ideally, the end of winter and the beginning of spring would form the boundaries.

When one realizes that the Earth’s rules have now expanded into an individual experience of time, it becomes clear that something new is needed.

It makes sense, because in conscious creation, timelines follow the path of the creations. Sometimes they move faster than we are used to, while other creations manifest more slowly than we expect. A mindset based on floating timelines lays a new foundation for the financial concept.

Our 5D business concept makes use of this principle.


  • Heart-based pricing

    The prices of the programs Earth Magic, Cosmic Magic and Conscious Leadership are intuitively determined once a year. They are the same for all participants.

  • Personal pricing

    The price of Infinite Magic is determined individually using an energy reading. We always ask for your consent first

  • Discounts

    Since we determine the prices intuitively, offering discounts is not meaningful. We have already set the best price. Giving a discount would essentially mean that we are deviating from the best price.

  • Payment Methods

    It is our intention to keep the payment method as close as possible to the activities, for example by paying online per session day. However, since we are operating within the old market structure, which sometimes works based on different principles, our options are limited.

  • Clean connections

    If you are unable to pay an invoice, we will waive it six months after the end of the respective program. This way, we maintain energetically clean connections. You will receive written confirmation of this.

    However, we do reserve the right to exclude you from our programs thereafter.

Join us in finding new harmonic ways for business economics.

We are available to answer your questions.

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